The purpose of mental strategy sessions is that people; To stretch their current perspectives on their inner and outer worlds by opening up a space where they can observe themselves objectively. To gain speed by making it easier for them to manage their emotions. By supporting their mental clarity motivation and courage to increase, to facilitate their transition to action. To remind their inner strength and self-leadership potential by revealing their hidden aspects. It is to strengthen their willpower by helping them to use the caution item correctly and to support them in activating the possibility of a better future.


The purpose of the mental strategy sessions is to make people;

to stretch their current perspectives on their inner and outer worlds by opening up a space for them to observe.

To gain speed by making it easier for them to manage their emotions. By supporting their mental clarity

to increase their motivation and courage, to facilitate their transition to action. By revealing their hidden aspects,

to remind their potential of power and self-leadership. By helping them use the caution item correctly, they will strengthen

their will.empowering them and helping them mobilize the possibility of a better future.

The purpose of the mental strategy sessions is to make people;

to stretch their current perspectives on their inner and outer worlds by opening up a space for them to observe.

To gain speed by making it easier for them to manage their emotions. By supporting their mental clarity

to increase their motivation and courage, to facilitate their transition to action. By revealing their hidden aspects,

to remind their potential of power and self-leadership. By helping them use the caution item correctly, they will strengthen

their will.empowering them and helping them mobilize the possibility of a better future.



The average duration of one-on-one sessions is 45 minutes.
The recommended process is a minimum of 6 months, 10 sessions so that individuals can gain a different level of understanding in their lives and extract the inner strength to make constructive changes.